We are excited for your visit!

Every congregation does things a bit differently. Here’s what you can expect when you are with us.


Fellowship is a key part of our experience as a church community. We place a high premium on time together as one of the more important things we do as Christians. We begin our time together each Sunday morning with conversation, fellowship, and prayer before we break into small group Bible study. We have classes for all ages designed to engage discussion and a deeper understanding of God’s word. As we come back together for our worship hour, we again take time to visit and share news and updates with one another.

Our worship time consists of a few components that are important to us. We join together in prayer, lift our voices in singing and praise, share in the communion celebration, and listen to a message from scripture. Some of this may feel very familiar to you or very different, depending on your previous experiences.

We sing without the accompaniment of instruments. We believe the beauty of the human voice alone produces an edifying experience for our worship. All songs are found in our hymnals and we welcome all to join in.

We provide the opportunity for communion each week and we practice open communion. While we believe that this sacred act is reserved for saved people, we also recognize the scriptures directive that each individual should examine themselves to determine fitness for sharing communion.

We recognize that some of our traditions of worship are simply a matter of comfort or custom, while others are the result of sincere study and steadfast effort to please God. If you have any questions about our worship style, please ask. Our goal is to worship God according to His word as we best understand it. We seek to be always improving, always understanding, and always listening.